Contact Us
Phone (630) 595-5320 Fax (630) 766-6087
We are working for you, 24 / 7. Every time you call us, you will speak to a Geanto's representive. No voice prompts, no recording, no off site
answering service. Your freight is our number one priority. We will always be able to handle your freight whenever it needs to move.
989 AEC Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191
Phone: (630) 595-5320
Fax: (630) 766-6087
989 AEC Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191
P.O. Box 486, Wood Dale, IL 60191
Copyright 2012 Geanto's Trucking
989 AEC Drive
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Phone (630) 595-5320 Fax (630) 766-6087
Email Contacts
For orders, rates, and availablity:
For billing and invoice inquiries:
For TSA and Compliance issues: